Meet the Danes
A ride in Bert’s brother’s car. That was the beginning for Bert and Sally Dane. They didn’t know each other when they settled in and buckled their seat belts, but their ride to the North Shore became a short trip to a lifelong relationship. Their engagement was short, just like the trip. Pledged to each other in July, married by December: thus began 57 years of marriage; kids, careers, many moves and houses — all against the backdrop of travel adventures around the world.
Sally and Bert are gracious in all their interactions, and that graciousness, though real, belies two other things about them; their rugged sense of adventure, and their amiable, cordial and altogether approachable personalities. Even their Miniature Schnauzer, Fritz, who has the stance and profile of a show dog, will lavish friendly affection on passers-by when they stop to say hello.
The Danes’ travels have brought them to six continents, where they have wondered at the majesty of the world’s great cathedrals, pondered the impossible reality of Egypt’s pyramids and Peru’s Machu Piccu; sailed over azure horizons, and stood in awe at the beauty of Africa’s vast plains and the staggering power of its wildlife roaming in their natural habitats. At times they made it a family affair. Remembering a safari to Kenya brings to mind the thrill of identifying 360 species of birds amidst exotic sounds, sights and smells that rouse the senses. A family trip to Scotland brought yet a new adventure where the Lion Rampant reigns, and even considering a meal of haggis is an audacious dare.
Despite trips to far flung places, Sally and Bert also had time for rewarding careers and volunteerism. Going from finance to fund raising, Bert has helped the philanthropic efforts of myriad non-profits in education, healthcare, art and culture, conservation and more. In addition to being a full-time mother, Sally found time to volunteer for the Massachusetts General Hospital, the Museum of Fine Arts, the Horticultural Society and local garden clubs. On top of all that, she is an amazingly accomplished and prolific needle pointer, who still belongs to several outside womens’ groups. She goes back to Brookline weekly to be part of a quilting and sewing group that has been in existence for 35 years.
Retirement for Bert and Sally hasn’t meant relaxing. It means bringing all they have learned through travel and work to the North Hill community. Sally serves on the Art Committee, and the Library Committee. Bert serveson the Farley Lecture Committee, bringing distinguished leaders in their fields to North Hill for the edification of his fellow residents. He is also currently Treasurer of the Residents Council, leading this year’s semiannual fund raising drive for the Team Members Appreciation Fund. Sally and Bert have elegantly folded a life rich in experience and wisdom into their latest adventure here at North Hill, and they (and Fritz) appreciate every day that they are a part of this wonderful community.