North Hill Senior Living Permanent Art Collection Archived in New Catalog
Press Release
For Immediate Release Contact: Patricia Cusack
January 27, 2025
North Hill Senior Living Permanent Art Collection archived in new catalog
Boston Globe Art Critic Cate McQuaid writes forward
Needham, MA… North Hill senior living in Needham MA has been at the vanguard of retirement living since its inception in 1984. In particular, the organization’s commitment to art as a necessary element in the daily lives of its residents has been foremost on its agenda for providing the quality of life they deserve. Thanks to resident Helen Meyrowitz, the campus has boasted a professionally curated art gallery since 2014 with 4 annual exhibitions by national artists. Thanks to her powers of persuasion, North Hill also has a permanent collection of art, each piece donated by an exhibitor.
Now, North Hill has taken another step forward in prioritizing art by creating a professionally photographed and produced catalog of its pieces with a forward by Boston Globe Art Critic Cate McQuaid. This first edition archives all the current pieces in the permanent collection, with future printed editions planned as the collection grows. A PDF version can be viewed on the North Hill web site at
To celebrate this milestone, two exhibits of the collection will be on display in the North Hill Gallery in January and February of 2025. It has been curated by Danforth Art Museum Director and curator Jessica Roscio. The relationship between the two organizations is long standing, Katherine French, then executive director of the Danforth organized the gallery’s firs show featuring painter Ilana Manolson.
“Our commitment to art at North Hill is consistent with the holistic approach to wellness we foster on our campus,” said Joe Frias, President and CEO at North Hill. “We provide our residents with opportunities to enrich their lives with cultural experiences, physical fitness, spiritual fulfillment and intellectual curiosity. We promote emotional health through social engagement and with programs that create strong connections to the environment.”
North Hill’s commitment to art doesn’t stop with display. Programs for residents to create art in all its forms abound on campus. Cheryl Clinton, North Hill’s artist-in-residence teaches classes in all media from watercolor to acrylic to oil. Add mixed media and even yarn sculpture and she has created ways for residents to express themselves creatively in many ways. Soon, a ceramic studio will open, allowing residents to explore their creativity in 3 dimensions.
This focus on art and creativity isn’t just for fun. Health experts have long known the physical and mental health benefits of art. According to Christianne Strang, a professor of neuroscience at the University of Alabama, Birmingham, “creativity in and of itself is important for remaining healthy, remaining connected to yourself and connected to the world.” Cheryl Clinton agrees, “I see how transformative art is every day in the studio at North Hill she says, and even beyond.” Creating stimulates new thinking and prompts residents to engage with each other in conversations that may begin about art, but can encompass myriad topics. The creating, the thinking, the socializing are all health benefits that stem from art.”
To view the catalog of North Hill’s permanent art collection visit our Art Gallery page. Visit the gallery daily from 9 am to 5 pm at 865 Central Avenue, Needham, MA.
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