
Meet Nick Chen

Not many people find their passion early, but Nick Chen has.  It only took a few tries for him to find the career that was just right. He likes people, so when he came from China in 2009 he decided to study hospitality at Johnson and Wales, picking up some culinary skills along the way.  He didn’t think kitchen work would suit him and he found hotel housekeeping monotonous.  But turning things inside out and putting them back together again seemed a perfect fit for his curious mind.  Happily, he landed at North Hill in the maintenance department and has turned his curiosity about how things work into a promising career.

Nick loves problem solving and thinks creatively.  His amiable charm keeps him in sync with his colleagues, and Residents are happy to see him coming when something needs fixing. He’s a quick study, and thanks to the tutelage of his direct supervisor, it took no time for him to become a master at his craft.

Creativity, problem solving, and constant learning are all part of the appeal for Nick in what he does, but the people person in him is gratified with his work, too.  He didn’t mind working 3 straight hours in 90-degree heat a couple of years ago to repair the air conditioning in North Hills’ skilled nursing neighborhood. He knew the Residents needed to be safe and was happy he had the skills to make them so.

Nick enjoys his craft so much, that he’s fully refurbished his house and can’t wait to start pulling up tiles in another one.  His wife wonders sometimes if all that change is necessary, but coming between an artist and his muse is a fool’s errand.  Nick just keeps fixing things.  Nick Chen and North Hill, a fit that’s just right.