- July 6, 2021
The Model Of A Retirement Community Leader
We live in a blessed bubble at the North Hill retirement community in Needham. We are a vulnerable population, all over 65. Through the pandemic we were served, cared for, and supported by a dedicated and compassionate team, people at all levels who kept smiling and showing up despite long hours, double shifts, no vacations, family stressors, and the ever-present losses and threats of COVID-19. Leading the team and shouldering the burden of keeping more than 900 people safe and a complex organization functioning was Ted Owens, president and CEO of North Hill. Whether scrounging for personal protective equipment, responding to the ever-changing regulations for the nursing home, or balancing the opposing needs for isolation and socialization in independent living and across campus, he was a steady hand, a transparent communicator, and an excellent role model, maintaining a sense of perspective, and even a sense of humor, through these unprecedented and trying times. We are deeply grateful.
Leila Kern, Anne and Bob Weaver
Letter to the Editor, Boston Globe, July 6, 2021